
Law Firm Marketing

Performance Marketing = Guaranteed Results

Other agencies get paid regardless of the results. At Prevail, we only get paid if we perform.
We don't have 30% retainers, 12-month contracts, or "we neved 3 months to get results."
We deliver premium leads at a guaranteed price.

Get Your Prevail Consultation

No Ego. Just a Relentless Committment to Results.

Studebaker Law YouTube Banner

Mike Studebaker

Proven Legal Services, PLLC

12:1 Bankruptcy Campaign Return

“You’re not gonna find In my opinion In the hours researching it a company that does better for you that’s more concerned about you and at a reasonable price.”

JacksonWhite Law YouTube Banner

Liz Coyle

Jacksonwhite Law Firm

6:1 Divorce Campaign Return

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pulvinar finibus orci, in pulvinar velit venenatis at. Donec malesuada consequat nunc.”

This Isn't the Prevail Team's Rookie Season

Founded In:


Monthly Ad Spend Under Management:

Over $1,000,000

Full-Time Staff:


The Prevail Difference

When results matter, law firms trust Prevail. We're not an agency. We're not a lead vendor. We're a performance marketing company that executes at the highest level to generate premium leads with zero risk.

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Mountain climber ascending steep cliff

How It Works

Working with Prevail is driving a high-performance sports car. You're in control of the beast. We've designed our campaigns to be flexible around your needs, not ours.

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Practice Areas

World champion sprinters don't wear the same shoes as Superbowl MVPs. Why would an agency advertise bankruptcy the same as criminal defense? We execute high performing, custom campaigns for a range of legal services.

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